Bamboo sculpture

Kevin Rowell: Interactive Bamboo Sculpture – Project Tutorial (2013) The Natural Builder 2 pages (3.5MB) “Created as a public installation...

Ilustrated Bamboo Manual

Ilustrated Bamboo Manual

Kevin Rowell: Illustrated Bamboo Manual V.1 (February 2010) In Collaboration with Architecture for humanity, American Bamboo Society, Kleiwerks International, The Natural Builders. 11 pages (2.6MB)

Material Profile – Earth

Kevin Rowell: Material Profile – Earth (February 2010) The Natural Builder 2 pages (332.6kb) “Earth has been an important traditional...

Material Profile – Bamboo

The over 1200 species of bamboo now cataloged, all have one thing in common—they are all grasses. Each plant spreads itself through the soil by means of an intricate web of roots, also called the rhizome.

Emergency Bamboo Structures

Bamboo Emergency Structures

Created as a protype rapid deploment structure for emergency response, this single sheet instructional guide can be easily printed and included in a tarpulin packaging in regions where bamboo grows readily, optimising material transportation in fast response situations.

Colombian Building Code

Colombian Building Code

Text from the Colombian building standards including the use of wood and Bamboo in construction. (in Spanish)

Bamboo Building Essentials

Bamboo Building Essentials

Darrel Deboer and Megan Groth: Bamboo building essentials ( 2010) Deboer Architects